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Below shows about 90 databases offered on Dr.Tom.

TitleCell types
30 major human cell typesAstrocytes; B cell; DC; Endothelial; Epithelial; FGC; GABAergic neurons; H9 cells; HEK and 3T3 mix; HSCs; ILC; Macrophage; Mast; Microglia; Monocyte; Muscle; NK; Pancreatic islets; Plasma B; Skeletal Muscle Myoblasts; Soma; T cell; embryonic stem cells; epithelial cells; foreskin fibroblast cells; hepatocytes; interneurons; neural progenitor cell; oligodendrocyte progenitor cell; preimplantation blastomere;
Single-cell transcriptomics of 20 mouse organs creates a Tabula Murislung endothelial cell; late pro-B cell; naive B cell; bladder cell; kidney collecting duct epithelial cell; monocyte; skeletal muscle satellite stem cell; pre-natural killer cell; mature natural killer cell; epidermal cell; large intestine goblet cell; epithelial cell of lung; type B pancreatic cell; epithelial cell of proximal tubule; DN1 thymic pro-T cell; stem cell of epidermis; Brush cell of epithelium proper of large intestine; immature NK T cell; leukocyte; myeloid cell; granulocytopoietic cell; endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid; myofibroblast cell; Kupffer cell; keratinocyte; microglial cell; enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine; fibroblast; Slamf1-positive multipotent progenitor cell; immature B cell; brain pericyte; granulocyte; mesenchymal cell; pancreatic acinar cell; ciliated columnar cell of tracheobronchial tree; astrocyte; immature T cell; Slamf1-negative multipotent progenitor cell; pancreatic ductal cell; immature natural killer cell; megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitor cell; macrophage; basal cell; professional antigen presenting cell; oligodendrocyte; endocardial cell; erythrocyte; skeletal muscle satellite cell; hematopoietic precursor cell; cardiac muscle cell; lymphocyte; smooth muscle cell; precursor B cell; mesenchymal stem cell; blood cell; Bergmann glial cell; epithelial cell; neuron; enteroendocrine cell; hepatocyte; pancreatic D cell; common lymphoid progenitor; basal cell of epidermis; luminal epithelial cell of mammary gland; stromal cell; pancreatic PP cell; endothelial cell; T cell; natural killer cell; classical monocyte; basophil; B cell; pancreatic A cell; bladder urothelial cell; mesenchymal stem cell of adipose; pancreatic stellate cell; keratinocyte stem cell; granulocyte monocyte progenitor cell; epithelial cell of large intestine; oligodendrocyte precursor cell
Early emergence of cortical interneuron diversity in the mouse embryoventral medial ganglionic eminence; dorsal medial ganglionic eminence; caudal ganglionic eminence
Machine learning based classification of cells into chronological stages using single-cell transcriptomicsbeta
Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals metallothionein heterogeneity during hESC differentiation to definitive endodermembryonic stem cell
Linking transcriptional and genetic tumor heterogeneity through allele analysis of single-cell RNA-seq dataplasma cell
Single-Cell RNA-Seq Reveals Transcriptional Heterogeneity in Latent and Reactivated HIV-Infected CellsCD4-positive helper T cell
Effects of 3D culturing conditions on the transcriptomic profile of stem-cell-derived neuronsInhibitory Neurons; Astrocytes; Neuroepithelial; Radial Glia; Neurons
Profiling human breast epithelial cells using single cell RNA sequencing identifies cell diversitymyoepithelial cell of mammary gland; luminal epithelial cell of mammary gland
Toward Minimal Residual Disease-Directed Therapy in MelanomaBRAF V600E/K mutant
Comparative Analysis and Refinement of Human PSC-Derived Kidney Organoid Differentiation with Single-Cell TranscriptomicsEC; LH(AL#1); IC-B; PC; LH(AL#2); Podocyte; LH(DL); DCT; Mesangium; PT(S2); PT(S1); PT(S3); Macrophage; IC-A; CNT
Molecular Classification and Comparative Taxonomics of Foveal and Peripheral Cells in Primate RetinaM4Fovea3; M1Fovea2; M1Fovea7; M2Fovea7; M2Fovea2; M2Fovea3; M1Fovea1; M2Fovea1; M4Fovea2; M2Fovea8; M4Fovea1; M2Fovea6; M3Fovea1; M1Fovea3; M1Fovea8; M3Fovea3; M1Fovea6; M1Fovea5; M2Fovea4; M3Fovea2; M1Fovea4; M2Fovea5
The adult human testis transcriptional cell atlas"""early primary Scytes""; SSC; endothelial cell; sertoli cell; myoid cell; ""late primary Scytes""; ""round Stids""; ""elongated Stids""; ""differentiating Sgonia""; leydig cell; sperm; macrophage"
The heterogeneity of human CD127(+) innate lymphoid cells revealed by single-cell RNA sequencinggroup 2 innate lymphoid cell; group 1 innate lymphoid cell; group 3 innate lymphoid cell; natural killer cell
Dissecting the multicellular ecosystem of metastatic melanoma by single-cell RNA-seqEndothelial; T; CAF; undefined; Macrophage; B; NK
Single-cell RNA-seq enables comprehensive tumor and immune cell profiling in primary breast cancerBC07LN; BC02; BC07; BC06; BC08; BC10; BC09_Re; BC05; BC01; BC09; BC03; BC04; BC03LN; BC11
Mapping heterogeneity in patient-derived melanoma cultures by single-cell RNA-seqBRAF and NRAS wild type; BRAF wild type and NRAS G13R mutant; BRAF V600E mutant and NRAS wild type
Single-Cell Analysis of Human Pancreas Reveals Transcriptional Signatures of Aging and Somatic Mutation Patternspancreatic D cell; mesenchymal cell; not available; pancreatic A cell; acinar cell; pancreatic ductal cell; type B pancreatic cell
RNA Sequencing of Single Human Islet Cells Reveals Type 2 Diabetes GenesNon T2D 4; Non T2D 11; Non T2D 5; Non T2D 1; Non T2D 6; T2D 2; T2D 4; Non T2D 7; T2D 3; T2D 1; T2D 5; Non T2D 8; T2D 6; Non T2D 10; Non T2D 2; Non T2D 9; Non T2D 3; Non T2D 12
A single-cell resolution map of mouse hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell differentiationlong term hematopoietic stem cell; megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitor cell; common myeloid progenitor and granulocyte monocyte progenitor cell; hematopoietic stem cell and hematopoietic multipotent progenitor cell
Comprehensive Classification of Retinal Bipolar Neurons by Single-Cell Transcriptomicsmuller; cones; bipolar; amacrine; rods
A Single-Cell Transcriptomic Map of the Human and Mouse Pancreas Reveals Inter- and Intra-cell Population Structuremast; quiescent_stellate; activated_stellate; gamma; delta; ductal; beta; endothelial; t_cell; epsilon; acinar; alpha; macrophage; schwann
Single-Cell RNA-Seq Analysis of Infiltrating Neoplastic Cells at the Migrating Front of Human Glioblastomaoligodendrocyte; immune cell; astrocyte; vascular cell; neoplastic cell; neuron; oligodendrocyte precursor cell
A Single-Cell Transcriptome Atlas of the Human Pancreasmesenchymal; gamma; delta; ductal; endothelial; beta; epsilon; acinar; alpha
Single-cell RNA sequencing identifies diverse roles of epithelial cells in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosisepithelial cell
Deciphering Pancreatic Islet β Cell and α Cell Maturation Pathways and Characteristic Features at the Single-Cell Levelbeta; alpha
Single-Cell RNA-Seq Reveals Hypothalamic Cell DiversityPOPC; Micro; Glu11; GABA12; GABA4; Glu15; GABA7; Ependy; GABA18; GABA8; Glu5; GABA11; Glu4; GABA14; GABA13; Glu6; Macro; GABA6; Glu14; GABA1; Astro; Glu13; OPC; GABA16; SCO; Glu8; Glu10; Tany; Glu9; Glu7; Epith1; GABA5; GABA9; Epith2; GABA17; GABA3; GABA15; Glu2; Glu12; Glu3; GABA10; IMO; Hista; Glu1; MO; GABA2
Proliferation Drives Aging-Related Functional Decline in a Subpopulation of the Hematopoietic Stem Cell Compartmenthematopoietic stem cell
Human dendritic cells (DCs) are derived from distinct circulating precursors that are precommitted to become CD1c+ or CD141+ DCspre-conventional dendritic cell; conventional dendritic cell
A molecular census of arcuate hypothalamus and median eminence cell typesNeurons5; Tanycyte2; NG2/OPC; Oligodend1; Neurons4; Endothelial_Cells; ParsTuber1; Neurons3; Astrocyte; Mural_Cells; Oligodend2; Neurons1; Ependymocytes; VLMC; Tanycyte1; Neurons6; PVMMicro; Oligodend3; Neurons2; ParsTuber2
Epithelial-Mesenchymal Micro-niches Govern Stem Cell Lineage ChoicesK14-H2BGFP;LEF1-RFP; Lgr5-eGFP-IRES-CreER;Rosa26-tdTomato; Lhx2-GFP
A single-cell survey of the small intestinal epithelium (10x genomics)epithelial cell
A single-cell survey of the small intestinal epithelium (smart-seq2)epithelial cell
Single-cell profiling of an in vitro model of human interneuron development reveals temporal dynamics of cell type production and maturationembryonic stem cell
"Single-cell RNA-seq reveals new types of human blood dendritic cells10.1126/science.aah4573
A molecular atlas of cell types and zonation in the brain vasculature (principal vascular (endothelial and mural cells))Pdgfra-H2BGFP; Cldn5-GFP; Pdgfrb-GFP;NG2dsRed
A molecular atlas of cell types and zonation in the brain vasculature (vascular-associated cell)SM22-Cre;R26-stop-tdTomato
A molecular atlas of cell types and zonation in the brain vasculature (astrocyte of mouse brain)Pdgfrb-GFP;NG2dsRed; Cldn5-GFP; Pdgfrb-GFP
Single-cell RNA-seq reveals a subpopulation of prostate cancer cells with enhanced cell cycle-related transcription and attenuated androgen responseepithelial cell
Heterogeneous Responses of Hematopoietic Stem Cells to Inflammatory Stimuli Are Altered with Age.long term hematopoietic stem cell; hematopoietic multipotent progenitor cell; short term hematopoietic stem cell
Single-cell analysis reveals the continuum of human lympho-myeloid progenitor cellsmulti-lymphoid progenitor; granulocyte macrophage progenitor; lymphoid-primed multipotent progenitor
A single-cell atlas of the airway epithelium reveals the CFTR-rich pulmonary ionocyteBasal; Brush; Ionocytes; Ciliated; Secretory; Cycling Basal (homeostasis); PNEC; Krt4/13+
Whole-organism clone tracing using single-cell sequencingfibroblast; immune; epidermis; osteoblast
Temporal Tracking of Microglia Activation in Neurodegeneration at Single-Cell Resolutionmicroglial cell
A revised airway epithelial hierarchy includes CFTR-expressing ionocytesBasal; Tuft; Ionocyte; Club; Goblet; Ciliated; Neuroendocrine
Spatial and Single-Cell Transcriptional Profiling Identifies Functionally Distinct Human Dermal Fibroblast Subpopulationsfibroblast of dermis
T Helper Cell Cytokines Modulate Intestinal Stem Cell Renewal and DifferentiationNeutrophil; Epithelial; DC; Plasma cell; pDC; B cell; Inflammatory Monocytes; Monocyte (cycling); CD4; NK; CD8; Macrophage (M2)
Precursors of human CD4+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes identified by single-cell transcriptome analysisperipheral blood mononuclear cell
Pulmonary alveolar type I cell population consists of two distinct subtypes that differ in cell fatealveolar type 2; alveolar type 1
A single-cell hematopoietic landscape resolves 8 lineage trajectories and defects in Kit mutant micegranulocyte monocyte progenitor cell; basophil mast progenitor cell
Single-cell transcriptomics of the mouse kidney reveals potential cellular targets of kidney diseaseNeutro; CD-PC; CD-IC; Novel1; PT; T lymph; CD-Trans; DCT; Macro; Podo; Endo; Novel2; NK; B lymph; LOH; Fib
Dissecting the Global Dynamic Molecular Profiles of Human Fetal Kidney Development by Single-Cell RNA SequencingLH; PD; CD; PT; EM; CM; RI; ED; MG; ER; IMM; DT
A Cancer Cell Program Promotes T Cell Exclusion and Resistance to Checkpoint Blockade [cancer cells]Mel106; Mel129pa; Mel103; Mel194; Mel88; Mel81; Mel102; Mel110; Mel71; Mel80; Mel78; Mel98; Mel89; Mel79
A Cancer Cell Program Promotes T Cell Exclusion and Resistance to Checkpoint Blockade [non-cancer cells]T.CD8; CAF; T.cell; B.cell; Macrophage; T.CD4; NK; Endothelial.cell
Tabula Muris - [Bladder_10x]leukocyte; bladder cell; endothelial cell; bladder urothelial cell
Tabula Muris - [Bladder_Smart-seq2]bladder cell; bladder urothelial cell
Tabula Muris - [Bone_Marrow_10x]granulocytopoietic cell; erythroblast; late pro-B cell; promonocyte; immature B cell; T cell; monocyte; granulocyte; hematopoietic precursor cell; basophil; early pro-B cell; Fraction A pre-pro B cell; macrophage; proerythroblast
Tabula Muris - [Bone_Marrow_Smart-seq2]late pro-B cell; naive B cell; monocyte; pre-natural killer cell; mature natural killer cell; immature NK T cell; Slamf1-positive multipotent progenitor cell; immature B cell; granulocyte; immature T cell; immature natural killer cell; Slamf1-negative multipotent progenitor cell; macrophage; hematopoietic precursor cell; common lymphoid progenitor; pro-B cell; basophil; regulatory T cell; B cell; megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitor cell; granulocyte monocyte progenitor cell
Tabula Muris - [Brain_Myeloid_Smart-seq2]macrophage; microglial cell
Tabula Muris - [Brain_Non-Myeloid_Smart-seq2]oligodendrocyte; brain pericyte; astrocyte of the cerebral cortex; endothelial cell; Bergmann glial cell; neuron; oligodendrocyte precursor cell
Tabula Muris - [Diaphragm_Smart-seq2]endothelial cell; skeletal muscle satellite stem cell; mesenchymal stem cell; macrophage; lymphocyte
Tabula Muris - [Fat_Smart-seq2]myeloid cell; endothelial cell; T cell; natural killer cell; B cell; mesenchymal stem cell of adipose
Tabula Muris - [Heart_Smart-seq2]myofibroblast cell; leukocyte; endocardial cell; fibroblast; endothelial cell; cardiac muscle cell; smooth muscle cell; cardiac neuron
Tabula Muris - [Heart_and_Aorta_10x]endocardial cell; erythrocyte; fibroblast; endothelial cell; cardiac muscle cell
Tabula Muris - [Kidney_10x]mesangial cell; kidney cell; kidney loop of Henle ascending limb epithelial cell; kidney capillary endothelial cell; kidney collecting duct epithelial cell; natural killer cell; kidney proximal straight tubule epithelial cell; macrophage
Tabula Muris - [Kidney_Smart-seq2]endothelial cell; kidney collecting duct epithelial cell; natural killer cell; epithelial cell of proximal tubule; macrophage
Tabula Muris - [Large_Intestine_Smart-seq2]enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine; epithelial cell of large intestine; Brush cell of epithelium proper of large intestine; large intestine goblet cell; enteroendocrine cell
Tabula Muris - [Limb_Muscle_10x]endothelial cell; T cell; skeletal muscle satellite cell; B cell; mesenchymal stem cell; macrophage
Tabula Muris - [Limb_Muscle_Smart-seq2]endothelial cell; skeletal muscle satellite cell; T cell; B cell; mesenchymal stem cell; macrophage
Tabula Muris - [Liver_10x]hepatocyte; endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid; leukocyte; duct epithelial cell
Tabula Muris - [Lung_10x]leukocyte; myeloid cell; lung endothelial cell; type II pneumocyte; stromal cell; non-classical monocyte; T cell; classical monocyte; natural killer cell; ciliated columnar cell of tracheobronchial tree; B cell; mast cell; alveolar macrophage
Tabula Muris - [Lung_Smart-seq2]leukocyte; lung endothelial cell; myeloid cell; stromal cell; T cell; monocyte; classical monocyte; ciliated columnar cell of tracheobronchial tree; natural killer cell; B cell; epithelial cell of lung
Tabula Muris - [Mammary_Gland_10x]luminal epithelial cell of mammary gland; endothelial cell; stromal cell; T cell; B cell; macrophage; basal cell
Tabula Muris - [Mammary_Gland_Smart-seq2]luminal epithelial cell of mammary gland; stromal cell; endothelial cell; basal cell
Tabula Muris - [Pancreas_Smart-seq2]leukocyte; pancreatic D cell; pancreatic PP cell; endothelial cell; pancreatic acinar cell; pancreatic A cell; pancreatic ductal cell; type B pancreatic cell; pancreatic stellate cell
Tabula Muris - [Skin_Smart-seq2]leukocyte; basal cell of epidermis; epidermal cell; stem cell of epidermis; keratinocyte stem cell
Tabula Muris - [Spleen_10x]dendritic cell; T cell; natural killer cell; B cell; macrophage
Tabula Muris - [Spleen_Smart-seq2]B cell; macrophage; T cell
Tabula Muris - [Thymus_10x]professional antigen presenting cell; immature T cell; DN1 thymic pro-T cell
Tabula Muris - [Thymus_Smart-seq2]professional antigen presenting cell; immature T cell; DN1 thymic pro-T cell
Tabula Muris - [Tongue_10x]basal cell of epidermis; Langerhans cell; keratinocyte
Tabula Muris - [Trachea_10x]neuroendocrine cell; endothelial cell; mesenchymal cell; epithelial cell; blood cell
Tabula Muris - [Trachea_Smart-seq2]mesenchymal cell; endothelial cell; epithelial cell; blood cell
ALIGNED_Mus_musculus_Bladderleukocyte; bladder cell; endothelial cell; bladder urothelial cell
ALIGNED_Mus_musculus_Bone_Marrowerythroblast; late pro-B cell; naive B cell; monocyte; Fraction A pre-pro B cell; mature natural killer cell; pre-natural killer cell; immature NK T cell; granulocytopoietic cell; Slamf1-positive multipotent progenitor cell; immature B cell; granulocyte; immature T cell; immature natural killer cell; Slamf1-negative multipotent progenitor cell; macrophage; promonocyte; hematopoietic precursor cell; common lymphoid progenitor; pro-B cell; T cell; early pro-B cell; basophil; regulatory T cell; B cell; megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitor cell; granulocyte monocyte progenitor cell; proerythroblast
ALIGNED_Mus_musculus_Heart_and_Aortamyofibroblast cell; leukocyte; professional antigen presenting cell; endocardial cell; erythrocyte; fibroblast; endothelial cell; cardiac muscle cell; smooth muscle cell; cardiac neuron
ALIGNED_Mus_musculus_Limb_Muscleendothelial cell; T cell; skeletal muscle satellite cell; B cell; mesenchymal stem cell; macrophage
ALIGNED_Mus_musculus_Liverhepatocyte; leukocyte; endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid; Kupffer cell; cholangiocyte; natural killer cell; B cell; duct epithelial cell
ALIGNED_Mus_musculus_Lungleukocyte; myeloid cell; lung endothelial cell; alveolar type 1; type II pneumocyte; stromal cell; non-classical monocyte; T cell; classical monocyte; natural killer cell; ciliated columnar cell of tracheobronchial tree; mesenchyme; alveolar type 2; B cell; monocyte; epithelial cell of lung; mast cell; alveolar macrophage
ALIGNED_Mus_musculus_Pancreasgamma; delta; T_cell; type B pancreatic cell; alpha; schwann; leukocyte; pancreatic acinar cell; pancreatic ductal cell; macrophage; quiescent_stellate; activated_stellate; B_cell; beta; endothelial; pancreatic D cell; immune_other; ductal; endothelial cell; pancreatic PP cell; pancreatic A cell; pancreatic stellate cell
ALIGNED_Mus_musculus_Spleendendritic cell; T cell; natural killer cell; B cell; macrophage
ALIGNED_Mus_musculus_Thymusprofessional antigen presenting cell; immature T cell; DN1 thymic pro-T cell
ALIGNED_Mus_musculus_Tonguebasal cell of epidermis; Langerhans cell; keratinocyte
ALIGNED_Mus_musculus_TracheaBasal; Tuft; Ionocyte; Brush; Club; Goblet; Ionocytes; Ciliated; Secretory; Neuroendocrine; Cycling Basal (homeostasis); PNEC; Krt4/13+